She studied at the Ambrosian Goldsmith School, where she now teaches goldsmithing.

For the Roma Jewelry Week contest Rosamaria designed a piece of jewellery entitled “La Gioia Ritrovata” (Rediscovered Joy).

With this amazing piece of jewellery, Rosamaria Venetucci fully got the theme of the contest… a new sunny day at last, a return to communicating and to embracing.

Rossella began her artistic career at the Academy of Arts and at the European Institute of Design. She graduated in literature from La Sapienza University in Rome and specialized in art history; in the same years she learned the techniques and trade secrets at goldsmiths’ workshops.

The jewel that won our contest is a marvellous pendant entitled “Propagarsi” (Propagating). Rossella’s creation has a central heart made of natural quartz, representing herself, her existence, her heart. From here fine red silk threads branch off to reach a golden structure representing the world and the living beings around us.